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Healthy Options for Families With Picky Eaters

If there is one thing that makes people smile, it’s delicious food. However, most families have at least one picky eater, and the few foods that these fussy diners choose to eat usually aren’t the healthiest options. Here are four healthy foods that picky eaters can enjoy.

Roasted Garlic and Tomato Pizza

Most picky eaters like pizza. While pizza is considered a guilty-pleasure food, but that doesn’t always have to be the case. Pizza can be healthy too. One such pizza is the roasted garlic and tomato pizza. This pizza is low fat and pretty simple to make as all it has on it is tomato sauce and slices of garlic on top. In addition, you can make this pizza on any crust you want ranging from the regular crust, whole wheat and even cauliflower. If this pizza is a hit, try other healthy pizza options to give your family a variety of deliciousness.

Macaroni and Cheese

Another fussy favorite is macaroni and cheese. The idea of noodles being smothered in melted cheese and oil is far from healthy. Luckily, there are tons of recipes to make macaroni and cheese healthy and enjoyable at the same time. For instance, instead of regular pasta that contains starch flour, use whole wheat or vegetable noodles instead. You can use low-fat cheese to substitute for cheeses that are high in calories and fat.


You can put virtually anything into a taco. From heart-healthy choices to not-so-healthy ingredients, tacos are usually a crowd-pleaser. To make your tacos healthier, substitute sour cream with Greek yogurt, refrain from loading up on taco sauce, add plenty of vegetables and a spoonful of salsa. Picky eaters can choose the ingredients they like. Offer up simple options, like shredded chicken, lettuce and black beans.

Vegan Chicken Nuggets

Chicken nuggets are everyone’s favorite childhood meal. As a kid, you probably really didn’t pay attention to detail when it came to food. Most regular chicken nuggets are fried and covered in grease. However, science has come to our rescue and developed vegan chicken nuggets. Vegan chicken nuggets taste just like their oily predecessor but without the chicken and grease. These low-fat nuggets can be paired with almost any other food, ranging from vegetables to a small serving of pasta salad.

Whether you’re a foodie or a picky eater, it’s important to eat healthy while enjoying it. With a little creativity, even the most fattening of indulgences can be made healthy while still appealing to the picky eaters in your family.
If you want to have a cleaner diet, check out these tips to get you started!

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