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How to Stay Sane as Life in Isolation Drags On

How to Stay Sane as Life in Isolation Drags On

Freedom and single lifestyle concept with happy alone woman dance outdoor free with white dress

For many individuals, life ground to a halt as governments and businesses began employing social distancing and quarantine regulations. Being cut off from friends and fun activities to prevent the spread of COVID-19 has quickly spread another disease, boredom. If you feel like you’re going crazy from boredom, you’re not alone. Here’s a few tips that can help ease your mind and enjoy yourself during these unprecedented times.

Stay Social

Social distancing is about social distancing, not eliminating social interaction. There are plenty of ways you can remain compliant with social distancing recommendations and still socialize. If your friends have smartphones or computers, you can call or video chat with them. You can use this to play games together, watch movies, or just talk. If you have a significant other or a hot date, you could each cook a meal and enjoy a romantic virtual dinner. If your hot date turns out to not be your type, this will at least save you from an awkward doorstep scene.

Make Life as Normal as Possible

How you dress and groom yourself has a lot to do with how you feel about yourself. While it might be nice to stay in your pajamas every once in a while, consistently neglecting to get ready for the day will make you feel lazy and unproductive. Try tostick to your daily routine as much as possible. Get up at the same time each day, shower and get dressed. If you normally go to the gym, try some home exercises. Try to work the same number of hours that you usually do. You’ll probably find that you still have some extra time on your hands. If that is the case, try this next tip.

Refine Your Skills

All this time in quarantine can be a blessing or a curse. It will be a curse if you waste your time. It will be a blessing if you take the extra time to improve yourself. If you’re an athlete, you may not be able to meet with your team, but there’s nothing to stop you from working on your individual skills. If you enjoy art or dance, you now have more time to practice the basics. You could even take this time to try tolearn something new. Try learning a language or building something.

Your life will be what you make of it. This has never been more true than during quarantine. During your normal life, you have so many voices and obligations that are demanding your time and attention. During quarantine, you have been blessed with a few extra hours that you can use as you wish. So, what are you going to do?

Once this madness is over, why not throw a party? Read some great party planning tips in this article: 5 Tips for Hosting a Fun After-Quarantine Party

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