A pool is one of the greatest places to go in the summer. As a parent, you can relax in the sun, or jump in and play with the kids. Kids can find endless entertainment if you have the right toys. As fun as the pool can be, it is important to remember that pools can be dangerous. It’s your responsibility as a parent to keep an eye on your kids and make sure they stay safe.

Keep Them Clean and in Good Condition

Not only can dirty toys get the pool dirty, no one wants to play with them. If the toys are in bad condition, they can even be dangerous. Poolside basketball hoops need to be safely secured. A loose hoop could tip over and hit someone’s head. Floats should be checked for leaks. If a float pops and begins to sink a child can get tangled and dragged to the bottom of the pool. None of this should be a problem if you check the toys before tossing them in the pool.

Floating Toys vs Life Jackets

For some children, wearing a life jacket can be embarrassing. They see their friends without them and want to do the same. If your child is an adequate swimmer, this may be okay. If they are a beginner, you should not allow them into the pool without a lifejacket. They may ask if they can use a floating toy instead, don’t allow this.

Floating toys can be dangerous and should not be thought of as adequate substitutes for life jackets. Floating toys can be slippery. A tired and panicked child will have a difficult time holding on to one when they are struggling to stay above the water. A poor swimmer can also get stuck underneath floating toys, unable to come up for air.

Before letting your children swim without a jacket, you should make them demonstrate that they can swim the length of the pool under supervision. This should show you if they are strong enough swimmers to be safe.

Play Safe Games

Make sure the games that your children play are safe. Don’t let poor swimmers dive for toys in the deep end of the pool. Don’t let them run on the edges of the pool. Don’t let them jump onto each other, or onto floating toys. This can quickly lead to injury and an end to your pool trip.

When you go to the pool, make sure your children understand the safety rules. Take the time to explain the reasons behind these rules. This will help your children understand why they need to obey them.

Read this next: How to Get the Most Out of Your Pool for You and Your Family

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