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Many individuals are experiencing heightened anxiety and symptoms of depression during the coronavirus pandemic. You are not alone in your struggle, even though it might feel like it while you are socially distanced from others. Here is a short list of ideas to help you rise out of your slump and combat your quarantine-fueled depression.

Find Other Ways to Stay in Contact

You may have wondered during this time how you can stay connected with your friends and family without physical contact. Thankfully, with the help of modern technology, you have options! First, you can call or text your friends and close family members. Hearing the sound of their voice can be helpful even when you can’t be physically close to them. If that’s not enough, you can talk face-to-face (virtually, at least) by using Skype, FaceTime, Facebook Messenger, Zoom, or another social media platform! You can even watch movies together using Netflix Party, a Google Chrome extension that allows you to tune into a movie with friends and family and make comments on the right side of the screen as you watch.

Take Natural Supplements

Giving your body an abundance of natural supplements can help you to feel less anxious and less depressed. One of these supplements is CBD (Cannabidiol). CBD can help you to calm these feelings. It can even help you to get a good night’s rest if you have experienced symptoms of insomnia! CBD can help you sleep better if you have depression-related insomnia or other sleep issues.

Create A Routine

Creating a routine helps the days to stop bleeding into one another and helps to establish healthy habits. When you build a routine, you get to take control over what you choose to do throughout the day—you realize how much time you have available to you! Having a routine can also reduce your depression symptoms by helping you to recognize the start of each morning as fresh and new, instead of living through an endless string of dark, difficult days.

You are doing the right thing by staying at home and social distancing as much as you can. That doesn’t mean it’s easy. Finding ways to stay in contact with your loved ones, treating your body right by giving it natural supplements, and creating healthy habits through a daily routine will all help you to combat your quarantine-induced anxiety and depression.

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