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How to Reduce Allergens in Your Home

If you suffer from allergies your life can be limited in ways that people who don’t have allergies will never understand. Some triggers can bring about debilitating symptoms that can be legitimately categorized as a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Keep It Clean

The first barrier to attack is cleanliness. Vacuum, mop, wipe down and anything that will keep dust and pollen at bay. Inasmuch as rugs can hold allergens, it is better to have uncarpeted floors with rugs throughout your home than to have wall to wall carpet. Rugs can trap dust and other allergens in your home so they aren’t floating around the air. Wear a mask when vacuuming and cleaning the house. Use a vacuum with a bag to cut down on dust flying when you empty your vacuum.

Wash all bedding frequently, and replace your pillows often or use pillowcases that are antiallergen. You might change your pillowcases more often than your sheets since your face is directly on them, and you are breathing in whatever is being held in their fibers. Taking a shower or at least washing your hair at night will cut down on pollution that has taken up residence in your hair during the day so that it will not be transferred to your pillowcase when you sleep.

Keep Windows Closed

Fresh air is not always a good thing. Keep those windows shut, especially when pollen count is high. For some people, air flowing through open windows can wreak havoc regardless of the level of pollen and any poses a threat. A HEPA air purifier may help cut down on allergens inside your house.

No Furry Friends Allowed

Pet dander is one of the biggest causes of allergy exacerbation. It can be heartbreaking to have to get rid of a much-loved pet, but sometimes it is the only way for you to stay healthy. If you absolutely must have a pooch in residence, keep him brushed and shampooed frequently. If your beloved is a feline, she can be brushed as well. If you do it yourself, wear a mask, do the pet grooming outside, put your clothes in the washer immediately afterward and preferably take a shower. Even low dander animals have some.

Whether yours only crop up once or twice a year, or you need allergy shots on a regular basis, there are ways to get relief, though not always as quickly as you would like. Discuss new options with your doctor and be open to new ways to alleviate your symptoms.

Increase your health by getting to know your body! Click here for some essential lifestyle tips.

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