As unpleasant as going to the doctor can be, it is essential to make sure your vaginal health is in good order before the honeymoon. Not only can certain vaginal conditions make sex uncomfortable or impossible, but sex can irritate the vagina and make an existing condition worse. Here are some symptoms and conditions to look out for and ask your doctor to test for before your big day:

STD Tests and Bacterial Tests

If you’re having mysterious symptoms that don’t match any particular criteria, an STD and bacteria screening may be in order. Maybe you have unusual discharge, sores on the genitals, or chronic fatigue. These can be caused by common STD’s or bacterial imbalances, some of which are easily cured by a visit to the doctor. You don’t want to have painful sex on your honeymoon or give an infection to your partner. Be safe and get checked before the wedding for a happy and healthy start to your marriage.

Yeast Infections

Vaginal yeast infections are marked by itchiness, dryness, irritation and pale, sometimes foul-smelling discharge. These infections happen because the pH balance of the vagina is off and yeasts are allowed to grow out of control. They can be caused by things like soaps, chemicals near the vagina, stress, and diet, to name just a few. Sex can irritate the vagina further if there is a yeast infection present, and the smell and discharge can be unpleasant.

Vaginal Dryness

Vaginal dryness could be a particularly surprising ailment that you might not have thought about affecting your marriage. The biggest symptom of vaginal dryness is the inability to become naturally lubricated through arousal. But there are other symptoms such as vaginal discomfort, burning, itching, and irritation. When the cervix is not producing enough moisture for the vaginal walls, sex can be very painful. Also, a dry vagina is not cleaning itself as it should and leaving the area vulnerable to infections. Painful sex and chronic infections don’t make for a happy and healthy sex life. Fortunately, vaginal dryness is relatively easy to diagnose and treat with a little help from your doctor.

Urinary Tract Infections

These infections occur when foreign bacteria (usually from the anal area) makes its way into the urethra. The symptoms include a burning feeling while urinating, blood in the urine, painful sex, pelvic pain and even fever. It is simple for doctors to diagnose and treat these infections, but it should be done right away as a UTI can spread to the kidneys and cause severe damage. Frequent sex and specific birth controls can cause and aggravate UTI’s, so get checked before the big day to avoid unnecessary pain.

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  • Posted October 13, 2018 4:57 am
    by Marjorie Akram

    I am happy that I joined postloop because I realize that I can share my experience to comments and posting . Like this one my baby is 5months old already but the tear of my vaginal cut is having a puss actually it opened that’s why maybe it’s having a puss I went back to my OB and she recommend me to took antibiotics and suppositories I hope that I am finally healed because I really worry to much now.

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