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How to Improve Your Home’s Curb Appeal

With spring right around the corner, many homeowners will be taking advantage of the warmer temperatures to spruce up the house. One of the most significant changes that you can make is to take steps to boost your home’s curb appeal. Here are three ways that you can visually improve the image of your home in a big way.

New Paint

Nothing can freshen up the exterior of your home like a fresh coat of paint. You can choose to go with a completely different look with a new color or you can simply apply a fresh coat of the same hue. If you do not have the money or time to paint the entire house, simply painting the front door will add new life to an otherwise drab exterior. The front door is also a place to feel comfortable to experiment with a bolder color so that it draws attention to the front of the home. Railings, shutters, and lighting fixtures can also benefit from new paint.

Remove Obstructions

A cluttered yard will immediately drag down the overall appeal of your home. Some obstructions like trees can add to the character of your home, but too much debris can diminish your curb appeal. To boost the curb appeal of your home, you need to make an effort to keep the bushes trimmed. You do not want overgrown trees and bushes to obstruct the view of the home. While some decorative touches like flower planters add personality and pops of color to the home, it is important to remember that too much of a good thing will only convey a sense of messiness.

Upgrade the Lighting

Many homeowners focus on greenery and blooming flowers to improve their home’s curb appeal while totally neglecting the lighting elements. Effective landscape lighting can completely change the look and vibe of your home. You can use lighting to accentuate certain visually appealing areas of the home or to create a natural moonlight effect to lend a soft glow to the house. Putting the lights on a timer will take the worry out of turning them on each evening. As a bonus, a well-lit yard will also make your home more secure.

The exterior of your home sets the stage for what is inside. You never get a second chance to make a first impression, necessitating that you use your house’s exterior appearance to improve the home’s overall appeal.

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